Thursday, August 14, 2008

Church/Garage Sale Blog...

Went to Grace Church in Normal this morning. They are having a rummage sale today & tomorrow. Didn't find much. Only found a few books, a CD & a bag of Spider-Man figures. Their prices on their toys were outrageous! $10.00 for a zip locked bag with one used Bratz doll in it! They also had Barbie dolls in zip locked bags for $7.00 each O.O. $10 bucks for a zip lock bag full of Barbie clothes, A little much don't you think? Over the past few summers I have found dolls for $0.25 cents & $0.50 cents at regular yard sales.
Goodness, I was shocked at the prices of their games, too! The books & CD's were the only things that were reasonably priced.

Labor day weekend is Ellsworth's town wide garage sales. Which is always a fun town to go to. Always find bargains out there! I remember one year, we found a lawn mower for $20 nearly like new! It still works today!

Garage sales are fun to go to. You just never know what you are gonna find. Alot of the toys/books/games I have found at the sales were like new!

I am looking for a CD rack. If I don't find a decent one before the sales are over for the summer/fall, I'll just have to buy one at the store. I have bought so many CD's over the past year. So, there is no place for them on my current rack no more, LOL.

Mr. Bean dancing, LOL.