Do you like blue cheese? Never Had it, as far as I know.
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Yes
What is your favorite piece of jewelry? My necklace I had made of me, Adam & Brad :)
Whats the closest red thing near you? Wrapping paper
Ehh back to random<3
How bored are you? Not very bored
Hungry at the moment? Nope
Thirsty? Nope
Ever done a random act of kindness? All The time
When's the last time you wore eyeliner? At The A7X show
Do you even wear makeup?? No! LOL!
What do you search for on YouTube? concert or music videos
Do you own an ipod? Not yet, plan on getting one soon!
Do you like text messaging? I love it!
Is the sun shining? No.
Can you successfully blow up and tie a balloon? Yep
Ever on the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago? No, but I wanna go there.
Ever been stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel? No. Don't ever want to be either!
Where was your default picture was taken? US Cellular Coliseum in Bloomington!
Do you have a fish tank? A SpongeBob one, actually. Brand new.
Looking forward to something this weekend? Some last minute Christmas shopping
Do you watch Disney channel? Not anymore. I don't have extended cable
Who/what do you want to hug right now? Adzy. He gives the best hugs!
What's on your mind now? That poor cat outside. I wish someone would take her in, I can't because Paula bear doesn't want another cat in the house with her.
Who was your last e mail from? Sarah.